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Major roadways in the Las Vegas region, including 215, I-15, I-95, Summerlin Parkway, and the Strip, experience heavy tractor-trailer volume on a daily basis. When tractor-trailer drivers exceed the speed limit and violate other traffic laws and rules, they are more likely to cause a collision with a smaller vehicle. When this happens, the occupants of the smaller vehicle may suffer serious injuries, which leave them incapacitated and in need of extensive medical treatment.
When dealing with insurance companies for truck drivers and trucking companies, it is important that you have skilled legal counsel representing you each step of the way. If the insurance company sees that you are unrepresented, they will take advantage of you, and they will not make you a fair settlement offer in your case.
If the insurance company does not offer you high enough monetary damages, we can threaten them with litigation and, if necessary, file a lawsuit in the Nevada court system on your behalf.
Injured in an Accident in Las Vegas?
We know you have many choices when hiring a personal injury law firm in Las Vegas, but there are some reasons why you should always consider Cloward Trial Lawyers to best represent your injury case.
Tractor-trailers cross the US and Nevada daily, moving goods and are vital to our economy. However, big rigs are also some of the biggest hazards on our roads. There are many reasons tractor-trailers pose such a hazard to our roads in Las Vegas and Nevada:
You have just two years in Nevada to file a personal injury lawsuit. So, quickly hiring a personal injury attorney is essential to construct a strong case.
There are many kinds of tractor-trailer crashes, and some are more common than others:
Tractor-trailer accidents are unique compared to passenger vehicle accidents because more defendants may be liable in a truck wreck. It’s essential to retain a truck accident lawyer after a crash with a big rig because these accidents are complex and often involve multiple defendants, including:
During the crash investigation, your attorney will determine all of the potentially liable parties for the truck accident and hold them accountable. Your Las Vegas truck accident attorney will also:
Injured in an Accident in Las Vegas?
Fighting for injury victims and their families.
The experienced team at Cloward Trial Lawyers has an impressive track record and has earned an unparalleled reputation in the legal community for its extensive expertise and exceptional client service.
You won’t have to pay large attorney’s fees unless you win your case. We believe our clients should receive the best representation without having to worry about a costly and stressful fee structure.
We consistently strive for the best outcomes for all of our clients and our track record of successful rates speaks for itself: 99% of victories achieved in personal injury cases.
We are devoted to guiding our clients through with the highest level of care, so they can feel secure knowing we will be by their side throughout the entire process.
Nevada truck drivers and companies are covered by many state and federal regulations that require them to operate their rigs with a high level of care. Unfortunately, despite the rules, truck crashes often happen because of the driver’s or employer’s negligence, and sometimes it is both. Common causes of truck accidents in Las Vegas are:
One of the most serious problems with truckers is when they drive longer than they should or are allowed by law. Of course, driving while tired is always dangerous, but it’s much worse when the driver is operating a massive big rig. How big is the problem? The FMCSA recently found that 2.6 truckers out of 100 on the road suffer from driver fatigue. Tired truckers are estimated to cause 750 fatalities and 20,000 injuries annually in the US. Another study found that trucker fatigue was involved in 75% of commercial truck accidents in 1995.
Current FMCSA rules allow truck drivers to be behind the wheel for 60-70 hours per week. They can drive only 11 hours without a break and, at most, 14 hours on duty. ‘On duty’ means both driving and non-driving activities, including entering information into a log book, loading and unloading, and vehicle maintenance.
The FMCSA focuses on driver fatigue because it is known that truckers who drive more than eight straight hours are twice as likely to have a fatigue-related accident. In addition, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety did a study finding that driver fatigue happens because truckers are sleep deprived, work long hours, and their normal sleep cycles are disrupted.
Truckers and their employers must ensure that drivers are always well-rested. They should be held accountable if they aren’t and an accident results.
Truck drivers must be trained to know their rigs and how road conditions affect safety. Each year, thousands of truck accidents are caused by drivers who are not trained well enough to operate and maintain their vehicles. Accidents caused by untrained or unqualified drivers can include the following:
There continues to be a truck driver shortage in many parts of the country, including Nevada. Drivers are often hired with more training to fill the demand, but the trucker turnover rate in a year can be up to 100% in some areas. As a result, trucking companies may need to hire new drivers quickly and may cut corners on safety to make it happen.
Over the years, truck driver distraction has become a significant cause of truck crashes. The FMCSA estimates that 20% of truck crashes are because of driver distraction. Distractions for truckers may include:
Truck driver distraction can be exacerbated by the significant blind spots that truckers have on the sides and behind the trailer.
You may have driven on a highway in Nevada past a big rig with ‘wide load’ signs. Because of the larger load, these trucks must have signs, flags, and flashers. But sometimes trucks are overloaded without these warnings, which causes truck accidents.
The accident must be fully investigated when there is a crash because of an oversized or overloaded truck. How the accident happened and whether the trucker and company complied with state and federal laws are critical. If the truck was overloaded or oversized, state and federal laws impose sanctions on the employer. But the fines are often not large enough to discourage future violations. Some examples of oversized and improperly loaded trucks are:
Usually, tractor-trailers are limited to 80,000 pounds for the rig and freight. Dump trucks should be at most 70,000 pounds. However, up to 30% of trucks on the road are believed to be overweight. This means more truck crashes because overloaded big rigs take much longer to stop and can roll over more quickly. In addition, an overloaded truck or improperly secured load can affect how the truck driver controls the truck and slows it down.
We see tractor-trailers barrelling down the interstates daily, and we rely on the drivers and employers to maintain these huge vehicles properly. Also, many of these trucks carry hazardous chemicals or cargo. Sadly, too many truck drivers and their companies do not maintain their rigs according to state and federal law.
Many trucking industry studies have concluded that maintenance-related issues are common causes of accidents in these systems:
An improperly maintained truck puts everyone on the road at risk of a disastrous accident. Even truckers can be hurt in a crash through no fault of their own but because of their employer or the maintenance crew.
Many parts and systems on a truck may have contributed to an accident. That’s why a truck accident law firm you hire will quickly protect the evidence after the crash, including the truck and trailer. The vehicle could be vital evidence in your case, so your attorney’s team will go over the truck and other vehicles involved in the accident.
Because of the large size and weight difference between trucks and passenger vehicles, truck accident injuries can be severe. If you are severely injured by a truck, you could have months or even years of recovery ahead, and you may not ever be the same, but your attorney will fight for the compensation you need:
Some of the worst injuries in truck accidents are head and brain injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, concussions, and blunt head trauma are common in these horrific impacts. In addition, you could have a brain injury if you have memory issues, headaches, mood problems, or trouble balancing after a crash. Remember that many brain injuries are not obvious at first, so it is crucial to seek immediate medical care after a truck accident.
Another severe injury after a tractor-trailer crash is an amputation injury. Sometimes the amputation can be caused by the collision, but it also can be due to other injuries in the accident. In many accidents, an arm, hand, leg, or foot is so damaged that amputation is the only possibility. Whatever the reason, having a limb severed will change your life permanently.
Recovery from an amputation injury can take a long time. Not only does the wound need to heal, but you also need to learn how to live life without that part of your body. For example, this could involve relearning how to do daily tasks without an arm or hand. In addition, extensive rehabilitation is needed that helps you adapt to living with a prosthesis.
Furthermore, many people who lose a limb in a truck accident have emotional and mental trauma. PTSD is all too common in these injuries. If you have an amputation injury, our attorneys will determine the value of the injury and hold the insurance company responsible.
When a big rig smashes into a small passenger car, its impact can be lethal. If you survive, you could have severe neck or back injuries, including torn ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerve damage, ruptured spinal discs, and even paralysis. Whiplash also is common in severe auto accidents, and while the injury is hard to see on diagnostic imaging, the pain and discomfort can be terrible.
Sharp metal, shattered glass, hard plastic shards, and dash panels all can cause puncture wounds and lacerations on the face and body. Many truck crash survivors have disfiguring cuts that become scars that last a lifetime. Facial lacerations are particularly painful physically and emotionally. If you have scarring and disfigurement on your face after a truck crash, you could be entitled to substantial compensation for pain and suffering.
Trucks carry at least 50 gallons of fuel, so explosions and fire are common in crashes. Many people suffer third or fourth-degree burns in truck accidents and may also have friction burns and road rash if they are ejected from the vehicle. Burns can take months to treat and may require multiple painful skin grafts. Many serious burn victims eventually require plastic surgery, as well. Unfortunately, severe burns also cause infections that can be fatal in some cases.
The severe impact of a tractor-trailer crash can sometimes damage or sever the spinal cord. This is one of the worst crash injuries anyone can suffer, and if it happens to you, it is essential to have a personal injury attorney negotiate the maximum compensation. Many spinal cord injury patients require life-long care; you may require care at home for the rest of your life. Also, having enough money for medical care for a spinal cord injury ensures you can enjoy the best medical recovery possible.
Unfortunately, there are many truck accidents where one or more occupants do not survive the crash or aftermath. If this happens, the family can file a wrongful death lawsuit for their losses. This legal action can help the surviving family receive compensation for medical bills, burial expenses, their loved one’s pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of future income. You should have a truck accident attorney handle the wrongful death action to get the most compensation. These lawsuits involve a lot of money, and the insurance company will probably fight it hard.
In an ideal world, the trucking company’s insurance provider would give truck accident victims plenty of compensation for their injuries. However, your Las Vegas truck accident attorney may need to encourage the insurance company to give you what you deserve. When you hire a truck accident lawyer to represent you, these are some of the damages you could receive:
Many truck crashes cause devastating injuries, and medical expenses can sometimes cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just the ambulance and ER visit can cost thousands of dollars. Then, you may need surgeries, aftercare, rehabilitation, and prescriptions. Your medical bills could cost an amount you could never pay in your whole life.
Your personal injury lawyer will determine the total cost of your medical needs in the past and the future and demand a fair amount from the insurance company. Your attorney also can help you avoid the frustration of working with the insurance company yourself. They can help with the paperwork and even negotiate payments with medical providers as needed.
Imagine having piles of medical bills on the table from a truck accident and being unable to work. You have trouble paying the mortgage, let alone paying medical bills when you can’t work. You could miss weeks or even months of work with serious truck crash injuries.
Our Las Vegas truck accident attorneys will ensure that you receive compensation for your lost wages in the past and future. This involves getting paystubs and wage information from your employer and working with your medical team to determine how long you will be recovering and unable to work.
The pain and suffering from a Las Vegas truck crash could last for a long time. Under Nevada law, injured parties can pursue compensation for pain and suffering after an accident they did not cause. How much you can get for pain and suffering depends on the injuries’ severity. However, rest assured that your attorney will fight for every dime.
Las Vegas top rated attorneys
If you or a person you care about suffered injuries in a recent truck accident, the skilled legal team at Cloward Trial Lawyers is here to help.
The skilled and experienced Las Vegas truck accident lawyers at Cloward Trial Lawyers will be able to investigate how your accident happened and can help you pursue the full monetary damages you deserve to recover for your accident-related injuries.
If the truck driver or trucking company’s insurer is disputing fault in your accident case, we can promptly investigate the accident circumstances by retaining an accident reconstructionist or other expert.
Similarly, we could help you negotiate with the settlement adjuster in your case and help you decide whether it’s worthwhile to accept a pending settlement offer, given the circumstances of your accident and the resulting injuries. Finally, if your case proceeds to trial, we could represent you in court and zealously advocate for your legal interests there.
For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with a knowledgeable Las Vegas truck accident attorney, please call us or contact us online to learn more about how we can help.
“We believe until you can walk a mile in your client’s shoes, you will never understand their story. As such, we try hard to get to know our clients to better appreciate the human side of their story.”
Benjamin P. Cloward
If you just suffered an injury in a recent truck accident you may have lots of questions. Our skilled lawyers understand what you’ve been through and are here to help, one question at a time.
Have a different question?
ask an attorneyAfter becoming involved in a truck crash in the Las Vegas area, there are certain steps that you should immediately take.
At Cloward Trial Lawyers, we can help you pursue a favorable settlement in your case and work to recover the full amount of monetary damages you deserve to recover for your accident-related injuries.
The total damage award that an accident victim receives, through settlement or litigation, typically depends upon the type of truck accident that happens, the force of the collision, the specific injuries that the accident victim sustains in their collision, and the medical treatment that they undergo following their accident. Moreover, a truck accident victim who sustains a permanent injury, as determined by a qualified medical provider, will likely be eligible to recover greater monetary damages than an accident victim who suffers less-serious injuries.
Drivers and passengers who suffer injuries in truck accidents often incur mounting medical expenses. They may need to visit a hospital emergency room or urgent care facility for their initial medical treatment, undergo an expensive medical procedure, or attend regular physical therapy sessions, to make a full recovery from their injuries. Moreover, in some instances, a truck accident victim’s injuries are so serious that they experience pain, suffering, and inconvenience for the rest of their life.
The skilled legal team at Cloward Trial Lawyers could help you pursue the monetary damages you deserve based on your injuries – as well as the circumstances surrounding your accident. Since every truck accident case is different, not every accident victim will be eligible to recover the same types and amounts of monetary damages.
Depending upon the facts and circumstances of your case, you may be eligible to recover monetary compensation for your:
Truck accident victims can suffer severe injuries, especially when a large truck or tractor-trailer strikes their vehicle at a high rate of speed. Since every truck accident is different, the injuries that one accident victim suffers may differ from those another accident victim suffers.
A truck accident victim’s injuries will depend upon various factors, including the speeds of the involved vehicles, the specific accident that occurs, whether a part of the accident victim’s body strikes something in their vehicle, and how the accident victim’s body moves in their vehicle.
For example, in a forceful truck collision, the accident victim’s body may move forwards and backward abruptly, causing them to suffer a whiplash injury or other soft tissue contusion. Alternatively, the force of the crash might cause the accident victim’s head to hit the steering wheel, window, or headrest, resulting in a severe traumatic head injury.
Traumatic head injuries include concussions and ongoing headaches. However, in some circumstances, the injuries may be much worse, and an accident victim may wind up in a permanent coma.
Some truck collisions are so forceful that the accident victim suffers a broken bone, open laceration, bruise, spinal cord injury, or even a full paralysis injury in the accident. When that happens, an accident victim may need to undergo immediate medical treatment at their local emergency care center.
While you focus your attention on making a full recovery from your truck-accident injuries, the experienced legal team at Cloward Trial Lawyers can start representing you. We can begin gathering your investigation documents, including copies of the police report and eyewitness statements, along with your medical records, medical bills, lost earning statements, and victim impact statements, and assemble them into a settlement demand package for the at-fault truck driver’s insurance company to review.
With the large number of 18-wheelers, big rigs, and tractor-trailers on Las Vegas roadways, it is no surprise that truck crashes are an unfortunate but common occurrence. In most instances, these accidents happen when truck drivers are negligent or reckless. When they do, they may cause any one of the following types of truck accidents:
If you suffered injuries in one of these types of truck accidents, the skilled legal team of Las Vegas truck accident attorneys at Cloward Trial Lawyers is here to help. We can go review all of your legal options with you in clear and easy-to-understand terms and help you develop a plan for maximizing your monetary recovery in your personal injury case.
Our Personal injury law firm operates under a contingency fee. This means you won’t be charged a single dollar until we win your truck accident case.
For a free legal consultation and case evaluation with a skilled Las Vegas car accident attorney, please give us a call or contact us online to learn more.
After a serious truck accident that was not your fault, it is important to hire an attorney quickly. If a big trucking company was involved in the crash, they will quickly send investigators to the accident scene. Hiring a Las Vegas truck crash attorney immediately can be critical to preserving evidence that is vital to your case.
The police and insurance companies will do their own crash investigations, but only your personal injury attorney will do an investigation with your best interests in mind. Going up against a trucking and insurance company for compensation is easier when you have strong evidence that the driver or company was negligent.
Your attorney will investigate the accident, and preserve evidence, including black box data, the driver’s cell phone records, and crash scene photos as it was the day of the crash.
If you were in a truck crash recently, you need money for your recovery and loss of income. Contact our Las Vegas truck accident lawyers at Cloward Trial Lawyers today so we can fight for maximum compensation for you. We will immediately investigate the crash to learn what the cause was and who was responsible. Our team also can help you receive the best medical care as we fight for the most compensation for you and your family.
Benjamin P. Cloward became the youngest lawyer in the history of the State of Nevada to be awarded the prestigious “Trial Lawyer of the Year” by the Nevada Justice Association.
view attorney profileIan Estrada moved to Las Vegas in 2011 to work for a prestigious, local defense firm where he represented national insurance companies in personal injury lawsuits.
view attorney profileLandon Littlefield spent several years working as a complex commercial litigation attorney before finding his passion in personal injury.
view attorney profileRiley Clayton has successfully tried numerous personal injury, wrongful death, and insurance bad faith cases to verdict.
view attorney profileDillon Coil focuses on serving injured workers, police officers, firefighters, laborers, and their families.
view attorney profileAngela Lee focuses on serving injured workers, police officers, firefighters, laborers, and their families.
Profile Coming SoonRick Holcomb focuses on serving injured workers, police officers, firefighters, laborers, and their families.
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